Tanulási típus teszt

2014. május 14., szerda

Weekly English 107.: Double questions


Abban az esetben, ha a "mit gondolsz?" kérdés után angolul egy újabb kérdés következne, akkor össze szokták vonni a 2 kérdést eggyé, egyetlen kérdőszóval.
Pl. Mit gondolsz, mikor érkezik meg?  =When do you think he arrives?
1. kérdés: Mit gondolsz? = What do you think?
2. kérdés: Mikor érkezik meg ő? = When does he arrive?

A 2. kérdés kérdőszava után következik az 1. kérdés ("what") kérdőszó nélkül! és végül a 2. kérdés kijelentő szórendben:

When do you think he arrives?

További példák:

What time do you think you can leave the meeting?
Eredeti kérdések:
1. What do you think?
2. What time can you leave the meeting?

What do you suppose is going to happen now?
Eredeti kérdések:
1. What do you suppose?
2. What is going to happen now?

Who did you say you wanted to invite?
Eredeti kérdések:
1. What did you say?
2. Who did you want to invite?

Which book do you recommend I should choose?
Eredeti kérdések:
1. What do you recommend?
2. Which book should I choose?



1. Frage: Was denkst du? = What do you think?
2. Frage:: Wann kommt er an? = When does he arrive?

Nach dem Fragewort der 2. Frage kommt die 1. Frage ohne Fragewort (ohne 'what') und dann die 2. Frage immer mit der folgenden Reihenfolge der Wörter: Subject und Verb.

When do you think he arrives?

Weitere Beispiele:

What time do you think you can leave the meeting?
Die Fragen getrennt:
1. What do you think?
2. What time can you leave the meeting?

What do you suppose is going to happen now?
Die Fragen getrennt:
1. What do you suppose?
2. What is going to happen now?

Who did you say you wanted to invite?
Die Fragen getrennt:
1. What did you say?
2. Who did you want to invite?

Which book do you recommend I should choose?
Die Fragen getrennt:
1. What do you recommend?
2. Which book should I choose?

Feladat/ Übung:

Build one question is each cases.

a)  What do you suppose? What will he do?
b) What do you think? Who you are?
c) What did you say? Where did you want to go?
d) What do you recommend? Which car should I buy?
e) What did you say? Why did they come over?
f) What do you think? Who will win the award?
g) What do you think? Where is the most beautiful city in the world?
h) What do you think? How old is our neighbour?
i) What do you recommend? Which one should we rent?
j) What do you think? What will you do next week?

Megoldás/ Antwort:

a) What do you suppose he will do?
b) Who do you think you are?
c) Where did you say you wanted to go?
d) Which car do you recommend I should buy?
e) Why did you say they came over?
f) Who do you think will win the award?
g) Where do you think the most beautiful city is in the world?
h) How old do you think our neighbour is?
i) Which one do you recommend we should rent?
j) What do you think you will do next week?

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