Tanulási típus teszt

2014. május 7., szerda

Weekly English 106.: Past Perfect


Képzése: HAD + az ige 3. alakja
Ezt az igeidőt akkor használjuk, ha 2 múltbeli cselekvés/ történés közül a régebbiről (korábban történtről) beszélünk, ahogyan a régmúlt kifejezés jelzi. Általában összetett mondatokban fordul elő, ahol a korábbi eseményt Past Perfect-tel, a jelen időponthoz közelebbit pedig Past Simple-lel fejezzük ki.

By the time I arrived at the station, the train had already left.
arrived > Past Simple
had left > Past Perfect
Kérdés: Had you done your homework before you left?
Tagadás: He had not (hadn't) lived in England.

Tipikus időhatározói:
before = mielőtt
after = miután
by the time = mire



Bildung des Past Perfect: HAD + 3. Form des Verbs
Das Past Perfect für Ereignisse in der Vergangenheit benutzt,  die noch vor einem anderen Ereignis in der Vergangenheit stattfanden. Diese Zeit steht oft in einer Kombination von Haupt- und Nebensatz mit dem Past Simple.

By the time I arrived at the station, the train had already left.
arrived > Past Simple
had left > Past Perfect
Fragen: Had you done your homework before you left?
Verneinung: He had not (hadn't) lived in England.

Zeitadverbien des Past Perfect:
before = bevor
after = nachdem
by the time = als

Feladat/ Übung:

Past perfect oder simple past?

a) I _____________ (start) the phone again after I _____________ (check) the cables.
b) By the time the police _____________ (arrive) at the scene, the robbers _____________ (already/ escape).
c) My sister proudly _____________ (present) the picture that she _____________ (paint).
d) _____________ (you/ get) a job after you _____________ (wirte) a lot of applications?
e) I _____________ (wait) an hour in the rain for my brother because I _____________ (not/ read) his text.
f) By the time they _____________ (arrive) at the restaurant, their friends _____________ (already/ order).
g) I _____________ (not/ can) get into the house because I _____________ (lose) my keys.
h) After she _____________ (take) a bath, she _____________ (feel) much better.

Megoldás/ Antwort:
a) started/ had checked; b) arrived/ had already escaped; c) presented/ had painted; d) Did you get/ had written; e) was waiting/ hadn't read; f) arrived/ had already ordered; g) couldn't/ had lost; h) had taken/ felt

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